Game Review: Tomb Raider Trilogy (PS3)

Tomb Raider Trilogy combines three of the most recent games in the Tomb Raider series: Anniversary, Legends, and Underworld. Tomb Raider Anniversary and Tomb Raider Legends have been given an HD makeover for the PS3, and the trilogy also includes bonuses like a PS3 background theme, outfits for your PlayStation Home avatars, behind the scenes videos, and other goodies.

All three games star the iconic Lara Croft, who is pretty much a female version of Indiana Jones, really. In each game Lara explores 3-D caves, ruins, and other archeological digs searching for artifacts and usually ends up saving the world in the process. Lara is very athletic and can run, jump, climb, swing, dive, etc. When Lara is faced with an enemy or a ferocious beast, she can whip out her trademark pistols and shoot them down.

The problems in these games have existed in any other Tomb Raider game as well as most other 3-D adventures. Camera angles, sometimes unclear goals, and other minor quibbles pop up from time to time. But if you are a Tomb Raider fan, this trilogy is an excellent deal since you get three games for the price of one.

Kid Factor:

Tomb Raider Trilogy is rated T for Teen with ESRB descriptors of Blood, Language, Suggestive Themes, and Violence. Lara does shoot down animals and enemies with guns, and she can die herself from too many injuries or a steep fall. But the blood and grisly deaths are usually kept to a minimum, as is the language. Lara Croft, with her tight outfits and short shorts, has been considered an iconic gaming sex symbol since the game’s creation, so that’s where the suggestive themes come from. If you are OK with your kids watching movies like Indiana Jones, they’ll probably be OK playing this trilogy. But because of the difficulty, even on the easiest settings, it’s best for older kid gamers only.

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