The Games of Atari’s Greatest Hits: Volume 2 (DS)

I love arcade game collections, so whenever one comes out, I like to write about it in a blog. So here’s a list of all the games found in the recently released Atari’s Greatest Hits: Vol. 2 for DS. The title is still misleading, as there are more 2600 games on here than arcade games. But at least Vol. 2 is only 20 bucks. The first volume started at 30, but now it’s 20 bucks as well.

One thing to note is since the last volume had some interesting extras, like a trivia game and the military version of Battlezone, volume 2 has some curious extras as well. You got your standard arcade artwork gallery and scanned 2600 instruction manuals. But you also have video interviews with Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari. It impressed me they got so many video interviews on a DS cartridge. Another funny extra is that they included an Atari 400 emulator on the DS! The keyboard is on the bottom screen and you can type in BASIC programs on it! Not something I would mess with myself, but I bet some people reading this might think that was cool.

Anyway, here are the games. Keep in mind that I will probably just gloss over most of them, since many of the 2600 games aren’t very interesting. I never really was big into the 2600. Most of the good games on that came from Activision. My first gaming console was actually the 5200, as I had a Apple ][+ in the 2600 days, and my PC had more accurate arcade renditions than the 2600 did. If Atari makes a third volume of arcade games on the DS, I hope they include more modern stuff like Marble Madness, Roadblasters, etc., and maybe 5200 games.

Arcade Games

Here are the arcade games included with volume 2.

Asteroids Deluxe

Well, it’s harder, the asteroids rotate, and there’s more stuff to shoot. And there’s an overlay graphic in the background. But otherwise it’s the same. I have respect for Asteroids, but I never got into it much because I stink at it. I do like the 16-bit update they made in the arcades in the late 80’s called Blasteroids.

Black Widow

It’s basically Robotron with vector graphics and a spider/insect theme. Even though Robotron is better, I still like Black Widow. Don’t know why, though.

Crystal Castles

It’s basically Pac-Man with isometric graphics. I never liked the trackball controls, though. On the DS you can choose to have simulated touch screen trackball controls, or just move Bentley Bear directly with the stylus. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Interesting note: the same guy who created Crystal Castles made a fun PC game in the late 90’s called Gubble. It’s basically the same kind of game. I wish they would put it on Xbox LIVE real cheap. There is also a 2600 version of this game on the collection. It’s laughable that they even tried to recreate it on the 2600. Looks nothing like it.


I never saw this one in arcades. Looks like a variation on Missile Command to me.

Major Havoc

I always liked this game in the arcades. It’s a vector graphics game that combines the gameplay of shooters like Phoenix or Galaga, landing missions like in Lunar Lander, and maze platformers as you try and infiltrate the space station and escape before it blows up.


Probably one of the first arcade sequels. Just like Centipede, but much harder. My dad was excited when this game first came out because he loved Centipede. The 2600 version is also on this collection, and even though a lot of the graphics are replaced with blocks, I think they recreated the experience pretty well considering.

Red Baron

It’s basically Battlezone with airplanes. I kind of like it better, though. Just don’t let anything get behind you!

Super Breakout

It’s the ball and paddle brick breaker that started it all. Even though there is no paddle controls, sliding the paddle with the stylus works pretty well. Except if you’re right handed, you have to press the buttons on the right to release the ball into play, leaving you open for a split second where you can’t move the paddle! The 2600 versions of Breakout and Super Breakout are on here as well. This is one of the few times that I’d rather play a more recent updated game like Arkanoid.


It’s a four player Breakout game. I like it pretty well, though. I have it on Xbox LIVE if anyone wants to play. The 2600 version of it is also on this volume. It’s actually pretty good, too, for the console it’s on.

Atari 2600

The rest of the games here are for the 2600. They’re listed by category in the game, so I decided to do that here, too.


Yup, action filled games in this category.

Canyon Bomber

Two player game where you try and bomb blocks in a canyon for points. Each player has an airplane that goes from one side of the screen to the other and you push a button to drop bombs. And that’s it. Not very fun if you ask me.

Circus Atari

It’s a Breakout variation where you have to bounce two people on a see-saw. I always thought it was very hard.


I think a lot of people played this because didn’t this come packaged with the 2600 for a while? Very fun two player tank game with lots of variations. There was a 3-D version on the computer a few years ago, too.

Combat Two

This is actually a prototype sequel that never came out. It feels unfinished, but I bet if it was released as a full game, it would’ve been really fun. This one has environmental graphics and obstacles like water, bridges, and trees.

Demons to Diamonds

Well the description of the game says you’re supposed to shoot demons of your same color, and then shoot diamonds. But the game looks so horrible that I couldn’t tell what I was supposed to be doing.

Desert Falcon

It kind of reminds me of Zaxxon, as it is a diagonally scrolling isometric shooter and you can fly up and down. The graphics are so bad that I can’t tell what you’re doing. But I think you’re supposed to be a falcon and you have to fly around pyramids and shoot red scorpions and pick up grey mice and roadkill. But I’m not really sure.

Off the Wall

It looks like Breakout with better graphics and power-ups. But it’s a lot harder and still not very good.

Radar Lock

This one reminds me of an Atari 2600 version of After Burner. Except your plane looks more like a pink slice of pizza. It also reminds me of a NES game that was pretty fun where you flew a Stealth Bomber, but I forgot what the name of it was. Stealth…something. Anyway, Radar Lock isn’t too bad of a game.


Here are the games in the Adventure category.

Return to Haunted House

The game says this was actually a fan made game they put on the DS! It’s like a combination of Adventure and the first Haunted House, which makes sense since both games are similar. Unfortunately, I never liked either game.

Secret Quest

The description says the game is set in outer space, but you can’t tell by playing. It reminds me of a pre-Zelda dungeon game. You even use your sword like in NES Zelda. It felt kind of fun, better than Adventure anyway, except I couldn’t tell what I was supposed to be doing.

Arcade at Home

All the arcade ports listed earlier are in this category, like Crystal Castles, Millipede, Breakout, Super Breakout, and Warlords.

Video Pinball

I played this a lot as a kid, but I don’t know why because it’s horrible. You spend more time watching the ball bounce around than actually playing.


The category that earns Volume 2’s only ESRB descriptor of Simulated Gambling.


It is what it says it is. You use the stylus slider to select if you want to hit for more cards, place bets, etc.


I’m not really sure what you’re supposed to do in this one since it’s a four player only game and it just waits for other wireless players to join. But at least you can do multiplayer wireless in all the games on this collection that offer it.

Mind Games

Just board games, puzzles, and stuff.


I never learned how to play Backgammon. I don’t plan to use the 2600 version to teach me. I wonder what the game is like, though.

BASIC Programming

If you’ve ever wanted to do BASIC programming on your 2600, well here you go. I imagine this was a big deal back then when people still used this program. Heck, even my dad taught me a little BASIC when I was a kid, which led me to quickly learn that I never wanted to make and program games, only play them.

Brain Games

I couldn’t tell what you were supposed to do in this puzzle game, so I stopping playing. I think it has memory and number games, though. And you use a number pad to play.

Code Breaker

You have to use number clues to break a code. I couldn’t figure out what to do here either.


I think it is like that memory card flipping matching game, but I couldn’t tell what to do so I stopped.

Maze Craze

I loved maze books as a kid, so I think I would’ve really enjoyed this randomly created four player maze game back then.

Video Chess

I learned how to play chess via a video game, but not this one! It was Battle Chess on the PC that taught me chess, and I only learned so I could see the cool animations of the pieces. Never liked chess, myself. Checkers is more my speed and intelligence level. Ha ha!


Three car racers and one with horses.

Fatal Run

It reminds me of Pole Position except when you run into cars, you don’t instantly explode.

Night Driver

Shouldn’t this belong in the Arcade at Home category? It was an arcade game, too, right? The 2600 version is really hard, I kept crashing!


Four players ride badly drawn horses and jump over hurdles. It seems never-ending.

Street Racer

This one must be really old. Top down two player racer where you only avoid other cars. Pass them for points.


I remember when Space was actually a game category.


The game says this was only available through a fan club, and was one of the 2600’s only talking game. I only heard “Quadrun, Quadrun, Quadrun” spoken quickly at the beginning, but I couldn’t figure out what you were supposed to do once you started.


Volume 2 says this was the 2600’s only light gun game. I didn’t even know the 2600 HAD a light gun! You tap on the touch screen to simulate aiming the gun to shoot objects before they hit this moon…thing too many times. I bet it would’ve been a lot of fun on the 2600 back then.

Space War

Shouldn’t this be in the Arcade at Home category, too? It’s a 2600 version of one of the very first arcade games, even before Pong!

Star Raiders

I’ve never been able to figure out this game. Not back then, and not now either.

Yar’s Revenge

A lot of people have fond memories about this game, but I’ve never gotten into it, myself. It is one of the better 2600 games, though. I do know the story about it being just Ray spelled backwards, since Atari wouldn’t give credit to the programmers back then, so that was Ray the programmer’s way of getting his name in there. I also know Atari is making an updated version for download on the consoles coming up soon.


Never been a sports game fan, so I will definitely gloss over these.

Double Dunk

It’s two on two basketball using only one side of the court.


Looks better than the mini-golf game on the last volume, but it still looks like mini-golf. I could get the guy to swing, but he’d never hit the ball.

Realsports Basketball

Another basketball game, this time with the whole court.

Realsports Soccer

Seems like one of the better soccer games for the 2600. Where’s the goalie?

Super Baseball

I think this was the 2600 baseball game I remember playing with my uncle back in the day, but I couldn’t figure out how to swing and hit the ball here.

Super Football

Never been into football games. This one uses an isometric perspective.

Video Olympics

It’s just a bunch of variations on Pong.

And that’s all the games on this collection. At least it’s cheaper than buying these games on Xbox LIVE Game Room! What are your favorite Atari games?

2 Responses to “The Games of Atari’s Greatest Hits: Volume 2 (DS)”

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