Guitar Hero DS Accessory Revealed!

gh_on_tour_guitar_grip.jpgThe Guitar Hero franchise has been an enormous success on consoles, but a lot of what makes it such a blast is grabbing the guitar controller and jammin’ away! So when the DS version – Guitar Hero: On Tour – was announced, the big question on everyone’s mind was: how will you control it? Well, today we found out how!

This is a picture of the DS system with the ‘Guitar Grip’ attached. There is a handle on the back and you use your left hand to grip the system and operate the triggers, and your right hand to strum the guitar with the pick that is part of the grip.


It is a nice picture, but the video really show much better what the full experience will be like. Fortunately a trailer was also released today!  The game is still on track for a summer ’08 release.

No Responses to “Guitar Hero DS Accessory Revealed!”

  1. Wow, that kinda.. works. Of course, you’ll have to be wearing headphones too to get any decent sound out of the DS, but still.. that’s kinda cool.

  2. I couldn’t tell from the video – is addition only for the DSLite, or can you use it on an original DS, too?

  3. I have no idea – everything now seems Lite focused, and since this seems to plug into the GBA slot it might be too small for the Phat.

  4. i wanna play this so bad

  5. i want to play it. how do u strum it

  6. this is asome

  7. Shawn – if you watch the video, you see that you strum the screen, similar to Jam Sessions. It works surprisingly well.

  8. Well, some more good news – the accessory will work with the DS Phat according to this:

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