Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 – Review
“So Funky . . . Place your bets down ladies and gentlemen!”
I loved Rainbow Six: Vegas so I knew what I was in for here. But I didn’t expect it to be quite this more-of-the-samey. R6: Vegas 2 has got to be the most conservative bet in years, an expansion pack turned into a full-priced sequel. I’d recommend it only if more of the same is what you want.
Hey, that’s what I want.
This is a great game. A really thoughtful, well-made, thrilling, and challenging game. Plus the “shoot from cover” system this one uses is just terrific.
It’s rated M but is this one okay for teens? On the one hand you’ve got lots of violence, liberal use of the F word, bloodstains, and realistic audio torture. On t’other you know you’re the good guys and it’s game over if you fail to rescue the innocent hostages. Also, listen to the terrorists talk before you take them down. There’s some funny stuff about video game violence and the effect on kids in there.
Want more? 1000 words more? Then check out my full giant sized review over at CrispyGamer.com – sure to be a collector’s item!
March 27th, 2008 at 5:53 pm
I am playing through the single player campaign right now and it is a blast.
March 28th, 2008 at 9:45 am
I agree. I’m playing through the single player and enjoying it. I really do like the shoot from cover!
April 8th, 2008 at 2:04 pm
I was laughing out loud at several of the terrorist conversations. One in particular is a long discussion about a collectible card game ala Magic: The Gathering.