Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP) – Buy with bonus

crisiscore_box.jpgIf you have been keeping an eye on PSP news over the last three years, there is one game that you have been hearing about a lot – Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII.  Well, it is out now and in stores, and there is a special deal available – read on to see!

Circuit City stores are featuring a ‘Get a $10 Gift Card’ with purchase,  making the effective price of this $40 game even lower.  You cannot directly use the gift card in that same purchase, but you can certainly use it to take advantage of other hot sales at the store and purchase them immediately after, or save it for some other day.  Either way, there is no reason to go elsewhere if you have a store local to you.


The game tells the story of events seven years prior to the original Final Fantasy VII, all through the perspective of Zack.  Combat is action based rather than traditional turn-based, with some other new elements as well.  It is getting solid, if not stellar, reviews, and my few hours with the game so far tell me it is absolutely worth the price for anyone with a PSP.

No Responses to “Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP) – Buy with bonus”

  1. are you going to do a review on this gamme anytime soon?

  2. In a word … yes 😉

    Actually it is in progress, but similar to things that GamerDad does (like his excellent ‘Ask GamerDad’ column) I have to complete it for another site before putting it here.

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