Reader Review: JumpJet Rex (PC)
Reader Review: Super Comboman (PC)
Reader Review: Senran Kagura: Bon Appetit (PS Vita)
Senran Kagura is a beat ‘em up game series starring a group of busty female ninjas. I think it may be an anime series, too, but I’m not sure. And now the crazy characters are starring in their very own…cooking rhythm game?!? Well, since I’m not an expert on this stuff, plus I don’t have a PS Vita, I had my friend Leroy review this.
Reader Review: Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions (360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, PC)
My good friend Leroy loves the Geometry Wars games. In fact, I think he told me one time that Geometry Wars was one of the main reasons why he bought an Xbox 360! And he’s really good at it, too! I bet he could beat anyone one of you reading this at that game. Or at least hold his own for a long time. Anyway, because he likes the games so much, I thought he’d be perfect to review the new Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions game. It’s available for 360, Xbox One, PC, PS3, and PS4, but reviewed on 360 here.
Reader Review: Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (Vita)
Reader Review: The Last Tinker: City of Colors (PC)
Reader Review: Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake (PC)
Reader Review: Electronic Super Joy: Groove City (PC)
Reader Review: Demon Gaze (Vita)
Reader Review: Half Minute Hero: The Second Coming (PC)
I LOVED the original Half-Minute Hero. It was one of my favorite games on the PSP. Check out my review here. Now the sequel is out, and I’m a little sad because it’s for PC and I don’t have a Steam account (nor do I have time for one). But that won’t stop me from letting my friend Leroy review it! So what kind of game is Half-Minute Hero? Well, it’s an RPG you have to beat in 30 seconds! Wait, how does THAT work? Read on to find out!