Super Nintendo World Part 2: Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge
Almost immediately after I got to the Mushroom Kingdom, a.k.a. Super Nintendo World, Bowser challenged me to a Mario Kart race! So of course I took him up on that challenge! So here’s my impressions of the Mario Kart ride. Was it good? Did I beat Bowser? Well you’ll just have to read on to find out.
Super Nintendo World Part 1: Cary in the Mushroom Kingdom
So you know how the Mario Bros. are plumbers and they fell into a pipe that led them to the Mushroom Kingdom? Well, I work in the plumbing department of a major hardware store, so I guess the same thing happened to me! So in this four-part blog series, you’ll read all about my adventures in the Mushroom Kingdom, and how I was able to defeat Bowser three times in one morning. Take that, Mario! So yeah, I went to Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios Hollywood a few weeks ago, so here’s my detailed account and experiences of the whole thing.
Pizza Pixel Podcast Episode 15: Top Five Favorite Pokémon Games
We’ve talked about Pokémon a lot in previous podcasts. In fact, I’ve even said we could do a whole podcast about Pokémon. Well, this is that podcast! All my brothers were really into Pokémon when they were kids, but none so much as Jeff, so he’s with me again for this one. Please click on the link and give it a listen if you can. I’d appreciate it.
Big Bad Smash amiibo
Unplugged: Wreckland Run (Boardgame)
The age of solo boardgaming is among us. With the business of everyday life, there will always be boardgamers who simply can’t get free on a regular basis to play with their friends. For years, one’s only option was to take a boardgame and play against oneself. With the rise of cooperative games, it was possible to take on a game without having to be your own enemy. Unsurprisingly, solo boardgaming received a big bump during the pandemic. While digital implementations of boardgames are available, sometimes it is nice to lay everything out on the table and play the game with easy access to the entire game state at once. Wreckland Run is a recent solo boardgame entry by Scott Almes (designer of another good solo game, Warp’s Edge.) Wreckland Run has you driving your armed-to-the-teeth, tricked-out car through a post-apocalyptic gauntlet of enemy vehicles. If you manage to drive and shoot your way successfully to the end, another six adventures await.
Wreckland Run
Publisher: Renegade Game Studios
Designer: Scott Almes
Ages: 10+
Players: 1
Time: 30-45 mins
(Review copy provided by publisher)
Splatoon 3 amiibo
Pizza Pixel Podcast Episode 14: Top Five Favorite 3-D Platformers
Pizza Pixel Podcast Episode 13: Top Five Favorite 2-D Platformers
My brother Nathan wanted to record a podcast with me on our favorite 3-D platformers, so before I do that, I wanted to talk about my favorite 2-D platformers, so that’s just what my other brother Jeff and I did in this episode of The Pizza Pixel Podcast. Please click on the link and give it a listen if you can. Thanks.
Cary is Looking Forward in 2023
Happy New Year! Around this time of year, I like to make a list of games that are releasing in the coming year that I’m looking forward to. Of course, this isn’t a full complete list, as there will assuredly be titles announced throughout the year that I may get as well. Heck, last year we didn’t know about Pac-Man World: Re-Pac until late summer, and that ended up being my Game of the Year in 2022! But anyway, here’s what I know now, for the most part, so let’s take a look at what games I’m looking forward to in 2023!
Epic Encounters (Tabletop RPG)
Tabletop role playing is at an all time high, as one can see by the major kerfuffle over the Dungeons and Dragons brand last month. (The publisher was going to restrict 3rd party content creators but then had to backtrack due to fierce protest.) Where there are players, there are opportunities to jazz up one’s game. The folks over at Steamforged Games decided to use their experience in producing miniatures-heavy boardgames and apply it to the tabletop role playing experience. The result is Epic Encounters, a line of ready-to-play encounters containing everything needed for a great in-person gaming experience. Each box contains figurines, a double-sided fold-out map, and a booklet that gives suggestions for setting up and running the encounter.