Cary’s Best Games of 2022 Awards Show!
It’s the end of the year so you know what that means? It’s time for my “Best Games of 2022 Awards Show!” Keep in mind that this is my list only and no other outside opinions contributed. And if a game isn’t on this list, it either just didn’t appeal to me as much or I haven’t had a chance to play it yet. Ok with that out of the way, let’s begin!
Prismatic Paints – (RPG Paints by Wizkids)
Some of the earliest tabletop games involved playing with little figures to represent units and creatures and where there are little figures, there are people who want to paint them. In the past, miniatures and painting were relegated to the dedicated wargamers or the occasional fan of role-playing games. Today, painting is even more common – many larger format board games also contain minis providing boardgamers the chance to join in. Traditionally, Wizkids has produced a wide variety of pre-painted miniatures for RPG players but has recently dipped their toe into the wider painting field with a line of high-quality unpainted minis. As of now, players can even buy their painting supplies from Wizkids, with a special Dungeons & Dragons branded Prismatic Paint sets of thirty colors in a portable carrying case.
Unplugged: GamerDad Holiday Guide 2022
Happy Holidays! Boardgaming continues to make inroads to wider audiences, and there’s no better time to get (or get your friends and family) into the hobby than an extended holiday break. It is yet another “unusual” year so there may not be as much mixing in your neck of the woods but there are boardgames out there to meet up with almost any taste. If you only have access to online gaming buddies, check out Boardgames are timeless, just as good today as they will be years in the future, so a purchase today will still be serving you well after the lockdowns go away. As we at GamerDad have done for the past 18+ years, it’s time for an annual rundown of recent boardgames well worth your time. Feel free to delve into some past year’s guides for 2021, 2020, 2019, or older as they’re still great candidates for your consideration. You might not find all these titles at your local mega-mart but many can be found online or in a friendly local game store. Some may argue $60+ boardgames are expensive, but compare that to video gaming (and where multiple copies are required for multiplayer play) and the economics of boardgaming shows their true value. For each game I’ve provided the publisher (to help you find it), an approximate MSRP (you might find it lower), the number of players, the expected time for one game, and the manufacturer’s recommended ages. These age listings are often set for legal reasons and I would say most could easily be skewed lower for experienced younger gamers.
Star Wars, Marvel, Star Trek, and More: – Boardgames for the Franchise Superfan
With the explosion of media from big-name franchises like Star Wars, Marvel, and Lord of the Rings there is almost too much for one person to consume. However, some will say there is never enough of their favorite setting. For those folks, or friends of those folks who need gift ideas, I present the following list of thematic boardgames. Each captures the flavor of the settings, supported by a quality, enjoyable boardgame underneath. They’re not just a copy of Monopoly with scenes from a movie slapped on top.
Hallmark 2022 Video Game Christmas Ornaments
Pizza Pixel Podcast Episode 12: Our Favorite RPGs!
My brother Ben returns and we talk about our favorite turn-based RPGs in this episode of The Pizza Pixel Podcast! I think out of all my brothers, Ben likes RPGs the most, and since I’ve helped introduce many of them to the genre, I guess I know a bit about them, too! I’ve definitely fell off the RPG loop now, but I was really into them way back in the 16-bit days! So please click on the link and give it listen if you can. I think this one’s a lot of fun!
Pac-Man x Kura Sushi
There’s a chain of conveyor belt sushi restaurants called Kura Sushi. When you go there, if you eat enough sushi plates, you can win little prizes! And from the beginning of September to the end of October 2022, you can get prizes based on Pac-Man. So you know I had to go. So last month on my birthday, that’s exactly what me and my family did! I took lots of pictures, so be sure to check it out!
Minecraft amiibo
Minecraft has got to be one of the most popular video games of all time. But believe it or not, I’ve never played it! Oh sure, I’ve watched my brothers play it, and I’ve reviewed Minecraft Story Mode and even ate the cereal! But I’ve stayed away from the main game. Mainly because it looks too addictive! I’m bad enough as it is with Animal Crossing! But Minecraft is so popular that the characters are in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, so of course they made amiibo figures out of them. And I just got them so let’s take a look!
Pizza Pixel Podcast Episode 11: Top Five Favorite Racing Games
Start your engines! For this episode we have a listener suggestion. So my brother Jeff and I talk about our top five favorite racing games! There’s some on here you can probably expect and guess, but I bet you’ll find a few surprises as well! So let’s put the pedal to the metal and dash to the finish line! Ready, set, GO!