My Kids Book – Vlad the 5th Grader, is revised
Made the changes, kept what I liked, replaced the clunky with the cool. Sat on it a week. Re-read and made more tiny adjustments. Sent it in on Wednesday. (Found more errors Wed night – of course.) It is now Day Three since Vlad took his NY trip. I’m doing better than expected. Yet my nails are ragged, my lip is gnawed, my body is soaked in sweat, my eyes burn, my brain is fevered, sleep is elusive. Will my life drastically change in a moment based on the whim of others? Or is this another painfully near miss? I’ll keep you posted. ALL signs point to the former – I got immediate, like scary immediate – responses from the people waiting for this and my wife is 100% convinced (and she’s the less optimistic one in the family) but it takes a lot of … something… to believe you belong on the “distinguished list” of one of the top publishers ever, on the shelves in Target, the Kid’s section at Barnes & Noble. Then again, as a friend reminded me, it took a lot of, something, to even try.
Children’s Book Update
In case you were curious McMillan for Kids has given me a revision list for my book, Vlad the 4th (or 5th) Grader. The revisions are not only smart, but doable and I have additional ideas for them to consider. What’s awesome is they like the writing and the humor, but have concerns about the pacing and the ending. Their main concern for the ending, awesomely enough, is that there’s enough ideas for more books. Maybe a series! I think, maybe, an 8-book series! We’ll see. For now I’ve got a really clever little vampire story, a powerful agent, a powerful publisher and a chance that’s 100% in my hands. If I can do this, and I can, this will be a whole new career and a shot in the arm for C’mon, you didn’t think an opportunity like this would kill the site did you? Nope, if they strike me up – I’ll become more powerful than the game world can possibly imagine. This is the beginning, wish me luck!
Harvey Stickman Saves Chicago – Chapter 2
My 3rd Novel Scores!
Jenny & the Giant – first three chapters posted below – was my first attempt at a Children’s Novel. Harvey Stickman was my 2nd. Surviving a Heart Attack was my … break time? and my 3rd Novel, unnamed here due to jinx fears, has been accepted by my top agent of choice AND has already been accepted by a top literary house contingent on revisions!
Harvey Stickman Saves Chicago

Jenny & the Giant Chapter II
When not playing video games for work, being a stay-at-home parent, loving up my wife and caring for the house – I have a dream. My dream is to become a beloved Children’s Book writer. Here’s a sequel to Jack & the Beanstalk, my first book. PLEASE comment! I have a thick skin. I plan to post at least the first three chapters here’s Chapter II: The Sky is Falling! So, here goes, this one is for the 6-12 year olds out there: – Andrew S.Bub (all rights reserved)
Jenny & the Giant – Chapter I
When not playing video games for work, being a stay-at-home parents, loving up my wife and caring for the house – I have a dream. My dream is to become a beloved Children’s Book writer. I’d settle, however, to be published. I have several small novels finished and out to publishers, including this one. To lay Internet fair use concept and partially to get a reaction or two. I’m going to post the first three chapters of each novel one at a time. I hope you’ll read it. I hope you’ll let your kids read it. And I hope, when it gets published, you’ll buy it. This is my first novel ever and it was written when Shrek was so popular. It’s a sequel to Jack & the Beanstalk essentially. PLEASE comment! I have a thick skin. So, here goes, this one is for the 6-12 year olds out there: – Andrew S.Bub (all rights reserved)