State of the Heart
It was 3 years ago today that my heart stopped working. Fittingly, I was playing a video game when it happened (despite Jack Thompson’s casual accusation that a lifetime of video games was the cause; it’s genetic actually). The game was Marvel Ultimate Alliance and during the heart attack I was smoking a cigarette (after 18 years of trying to quit, this did it – seriously, don’t start). See, it didn’t feel like a heart attack.
State of the Heart 4/09: Kids Alright?

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I have to admit I’m still shaken. A good 3/4 of last year was spent in considerable pain and that did affect me. My bigger worry is how the kids are doing. I’m wasting my time though, school counselors, teachers and Linda say they’re fine. I know my daughter has some demons though, how could she not? She almost lost her dad at 7 (which is even more disturbing when you consider that Linda lost her dad at 6). I figure, that’s gotta leave a mark. We’ll keep watching, from a distance so as not to alarm, to make sure the kids feel safe, secure, and that daddy won’t get sick again.
State of the Heart 3/09
So the Heart Attack happened in early September. Right before that I spoke at the Penny Arcade Expo. I did an hour GamerDad speech, moderated a panel, sat on another panel and improvised a Political Gaming speech when ECA Pres Hal Halpin had to bow out. After the heart attack on Sept 2nd. it was decided I’d have a quadruple bypass. Like NOW. I threw a clot around then – it ended up in my lungs – and was released in Mid-Sept. Then I did something crazy. I worked.