Who Watches Saturday Morning Watchmen?
This has been around a while but I just caught the parody of both 80’s Saturday Morning TV shows (a lost tradition) and the Watchmen (note Rosrchach playing with doggies). Really funny stuff.
Idol Thoughts – Wild Card Night!
My judge-manipulation-meter is totally pegged and my cynicism is so great it feels like it is leaking out of my ears. That is because we are at the point in the show where the judges and producers, having failed through manipulation of songs and arrangement and coaching and order and commentary to place all of their personal pet-choices … now get to trot them out once more mixed in with some second-chance cannon fodder before picking who they wanted anyway. That is because this … is American Idol!
Idol Thoughts: Top 36 Part 3
All I could think after last week was … is this actually going to happen; are we going to really watch this show this week after the last two weeks went from terrible to brutal? Well, since I’m writing this I guess you have your answer! Tuesday night we were back to our usual time slot, but the rest of the show – from limited time in the ‘red room’ to highlighting family members in the audience – remained pretty much the same. Once again, the odds were stacked against each contestant as the majority were performing for the final time on the Idol stage. And once again what the judges said seemed more in sync with some pre-scribed notes than what was actually happening on stage, but that isn’t surprising, because this … is American Idol!
Idol Thoughts: Top 36 Part 2
Another week, another three hours resulting in three more finalists making it to the top 12. Things were done a bit differently this time – performance night was moved to Wednesday due to the Presidential address, which puts off my schedule as well! Also, the overall format changed to include less interaction with the families of the singers – rather than sitting in the ‘red room’ (red because of the Coca Cola stuff plastered everywhere), they sat in the audience and glared at Simon whenever he said anything bad about their son or daughter or wife or friend. Which was often. Because this … is American Idol!
Idol Thoughts: Top 36 Part 1
Over the last two nights we’ve experienced three hours dedicated to sending 75% of the people appearing home. That is right, in a new twist this year, we get to go back to pretty much the way things were done the first three seasons! For the past four seasons the judges have pared things down to twenty-four and then viewers voted on equally split sets of men and women. This was done to ensure an equal split in the Top 12 Finalists. This year the system works like this: there are three sets of twelve, and from that set the top male and female vote-getters go through along with the next top person whether male or female.
Idol Thoughts: Season Eight … not great
Welcome back to a new edition of ‘Idol Thoughts’, my musings on my family’s thoughts as we watch yet another season of FOX’s top rated reality show pseudo-contest. Last year I chimed in weekly as the show started to wind down. This year I debated whether or not to even attempt it – but since we’ve watched almost every episode so far, I figured I might as well kick it off and see where it goes! more…
Super Bowl Commercials Poppin’ In Der Face…In 3-D!
Well Sunday night I did what millions of others did and watched the Super Bowl (I wouldn’t be surprised if they declared it a national holiday soon). I’m not really big into football, but I can get into a good game every now and then. Being in high school marching band got me accustomed to that.
It’s Alive!
I have an early memory of disagreeing with a movie reviewer. It might have been the first Star Wars movie (a film I still feel extremely strongly about) but that’d put me at 6-years old. I had to have been older. Regardless of when the feeling was that I wanted to be a movie reviewer and that I could do it better because I’d take into account the film’s intended audience. Look, for some segment of the population, Rambo is a 5 of 5. Since I’ve achieved some success as a video game expert and pundit, and since I’ve published a lot of movie and DVD reviews throughout my 10-year career as a critic and writer, I thought it was time to extend the “…with Children” brand a little further and grant my movie and DVD reviews a place – a blog – of their own. I just spent the past year working for Disney’s FamilyFun.com and Disney Family.com and I’ve written movie reviews at GamerDad, Daily Radar, Entertainment Today and other outlets. I’ll link what I can here. Lets talk about movies and the kids, shall we?